Managing Director
''Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough"
Enabled by this noble thought it is with great joy that I to write to you and be a part of the noble mission of imparting quality and value based education to the children and nurturing them into tomorrow''s global citizen. Education, especially in Modern times has become so extensive that its tentacles have reached the space the moon & much beyond as well. we experiment with holistic teaching encompassing wisdom, compassion and a humanitarian spirit. We at Xavier''s aim to create renaissance men and women. We want to pursue the path of enlightenment, where individuals are not restricted by the boundaries of discipline, where they are both free and encouraged to pursue knowledge according to the dictates of their own hearts and minds.
Educational institutions play vital role for academic and intellectual development of the children. Able children are the steersman and future of the nation. The institutions importing high quality education produce pioneers of the society in all fields. St. Xavier''s High School imparts exclusively English Medium Education having highly qualified trained and experienced staff.
St. Xavier''s High School has a well classes with world class infrastructure. It has air conditioned KG class rooms as well. Besides academic education emphasis is given for co-curricula activities like drawing, dance and different sport and games for cultural and physical development of the children. This institution is inclined to provide the best quality education in the area.